Безграничный мир Нежности!
Главная » 2015 » Август » 20 » Белый шиповник (На Английском)
Белый шиповник (На Английском)

She bore this other girl...
and loved her more than my oldest daughter
spouse does not love a sweet little girl
but SIS loved baby

Years later stepfather arranged a jousting tournament
so the winner took to wife his daughter
and he concluded favorably with world neighbors
and the Winner is the knight wild rose chose Her!

But before the tournament she had a dream:
on un brin de bloom white Bud
but I broke a branch with this Bud
but the knight handed it to her with a bow

And her stepdad audacity afford
the knights ' tournament disgraced her
and so cruelly, like a sinner
and away from the castle, expelled the girl

At the gates of knight wild rose waited on horseback
to her he whispered to her "I'm on your side,
I'll help you, you trust me,
where are you? for all be a mystery"

The knight came the power, kindness
in trouble, he did not leave, and took
from his kind soul was clean
not in vain believed that it is clean

This knight wild rose was shrouded in mystery
girl to understand this wild rose promised
why the fate of her a riddle put forth by any chance?
so her life began from the beginning?

And he lived in a very beautiful place
and said, "here you will forget about the pain"
nowhere has she never seen such a thing before
and everything was beautiful as the song

She pressed against his chest mother's things
not for nothing she then had a dream prophetic
it was a sign of the libel and of this meeting
and I realized: "time will save the day and cure"

in the forest, not far from knight's castle
at the lake, had such a wonderful beauty
this beauty has blinded the young girl's eyes
this white rose delicate beauty

the young Countess, after a long time
in the bedroom, on the table saw twig
White rose - my eyes not believing
knight sent her this secret message

White wild rose - wild white rose
this is the emblem of a knight - twig in the roses
it became clear - she was the lady of his heart
and tears of joy made her eyes

And heart the girl again did not disappoint
the sky itself the Countess with the knight brought
he loved her and therefore took away
and she forgot the bitterness of humiliation and tears

She accepted the gift of a White rose
and the mystery is revealed, Oh, the culprit...
she also secretly loved...
about the pain and forget the terrible past

And for the love, kindness, power, loved it
not in vain the mother of heaven daughter kept
it extraordinaireи tender love he knew
His white rose as her emblem was

She planted the rose in the garden
to all in the castle saw its wonderful beauty
white rose changed her fate
and their descendants will love and appreciate cleanliness
Категория: Стихи | Просмотров: 336 | Добавил: COUNTESS | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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