It is our debt to make for the region profit We extract Coal here - our black gold And we under noise of the combine swallow of coal dust For the sake of future region and the native...
Miners, miners for years underground work Also we share tormozka with the workmates And they sometimes at a collapse themselves close us Understanding us also as well as their native wait...
At us under blockages alas perish the absolutely young Without having learned as called sons or daughters Or breed cripples us but leaves live But we can live and see native and friends...
And going on change to mines we understand That every instant we risk won't come back home And sometimes we joke at the konogonkakh and we have dinner Also we trust that we will return from change to the native...
If people in mines perish - grieve on Donbass Not important where and that get: Coal, Salt or Ore And it isn't important where trouble: in Europe, Russia or Kuzbass We - Pride for native, and always risk ourselves!